petek, 25. junij 2010

Mi 2 - Pojdi z menoj v toplice

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Mariborski grad - Maribor's castle
Kaj je z blondinko ki ima dve možganski celici?
What it's a blonde whith two brain a cell?
Noseča je.
She's pregnant.
Kje in kdaj so bile prve volitve po partijskem vzoru?
Where and when were the first elections after the party lines?V raju ko je Bog postavil Evo pred Adama in rekel:
In heaven, where God put Adam and Eve before he said:"Tu imaš in izbiraj!"
"Here you go, and toggle!"
Devetdesetletnik se odpravlja od doma.
Ninety year's man put out from own home.
Obleče usnjeno jakno in gre proti vratom.
Wears a leather jacket and go by front door.
Kam pa greš? - ga vpraša žena
Where you going? She asked him his wife.
K zdravniku.
To a doctor.Saj nisi bolan.
You're not sick.
Ne, k zdravniku grem po recept za viagro.
No, go get a doctor prescription for Viagra.
če je tako - reče žena in obleče plašč, - se grem jaz cepit proti tetanusu.
If that so - she said and dressed put on coat - I going to be vaccinated against tetanus.

Petdestet ljudi, dva mislita na seks, drugi pa na hrano, kaj je to?
Fifty people, two guys think about sex, all rest in the food, what is it?
Poroka - Wedding
Petdeset ljudi, in vsi mislijo na hrano.
Fifty people, and all thought the food.Zlata poroka - Golden wedding
Petdeset ljudi, in vsi mislijo na seks.
Fifty people, and they all think on sex.

Sindikalni izlet - Association tour

    Maribor - video show - predstavitveni video